The first step in creating a strong Cultivating Change Collegiate Ambassador Program is to recruit members. Rules governing student groups differ from campus to campus, so be sure to check in with your university’s student life office for campus-specific regulations about how and when clubs are allowed to recruit.
Here are some tips and ideas to consider when recruiting!
- Build relationships with supportive faculty and staff. Check out these tips for building industry and community partnerships.
- Take advantage of any and all campus-wide recruitment events, often held at the beginning of the semester or before the semester starts.
- Communicate clearly about the value of your chapter. If a student joins, what will they gain? Who will they connect with? What will they learn?
- Distribute information about your chapter to other campus clubs, like MANRRS, the agricultural education club, or LGBTQ Pride. Offer to partner with these clubs to host campus events. For more ideas about events, check out the Meetings and Activities Toolkit.
- Advertise in your campus newspaper.
- Promote your chapter’s social media accounts online and on flyers. Make sure these accounts deliver valuable content to potential followers: agricultural industry news, Cultivating Change Foundation updates, blog posts about your chapter or other chapters, photos of events. Check out these links for more on social media dos and don’ts.
- Post flyers in agriculture classrooms, the library, and along popular walkways.
- Get creative with your marketing: try sandwich boards, yard signs, or sidewalk chalk to pique students’ interest.
- Create targeted information for different demographics. Why should an ally join? Why should an undecided major join? Why should someone who grew up in the city join? Why should someone who isn’t planning on working in traditional agriculture join?
- Spark curiosity with sidewalk chalk arrows that lead to your table or flyers with a question or riddle.
- Get addresses from first-time attenders and send them a physical note or small gift to thank them for coming.
- Promote your chapter in the student announcement email list serve or online announcement bulletin board.
- Walk around with a flag or sign that says “Ask me about the Cultivating Change Collegiate Ambassador Program!” Have flyers or giveaways ready.
- Go to residence halls or other student housing to make presentations or distribute information.
- Promote your chapter on TV screens at the student recreation center or campus dining halls.
- Give away Cultivating Change stickers, pens, stress balls, or flash drives.
- Make brief presentations at the beginning of agriculture classes.
- Provide incentives for current members who bring friends to meetings.